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Charges & Fees for Bank Services

Effective Date: 02/01/2024
The following fees may be assessed.

Fee Category Fee Name Fee Amount Important Information

Teller Services

Cashier's Checks $5.00 each Free with aggregated YTD average balance of $2,000.00 or more. One check per day free to customers with Your Choice Checking Premium account.
Checks (Temporary) $1.00 per sheet (3 checks) Waived if checks are ordered. 
Stop Payment Fee $35.00 This fee is per stop payment order.
Transfer Fee (Telephone Request) $5.00 per customer transfer request No charge for Telephone Banking and MoneyPass Debit Card transfers.
Copy Fees Instant Statement Fee $5.00 per account printout Appears as "Instant Statement Fee" on statement.
Notary Fee $2.00 Not available to non-customers.
Fax Service Toll free numbers are free.
Non-toll-free numbers are $5.00.
FMB will fax documents for customers at no charge to toll free numbers, there is a charge with non-toll numbers. No additional fee for multiple pages.
Photo Copies 3 pages per day for free for FMB Customers. Additional pages for customers $.50. (Non-customers $.50 per page.)
Statement Special Handling Fee $5.00 This fee is per month for duplicate paper statements
ATM / Debit Card Services ATM Foreign Withdrawal $3.00 fee per withdrawal Fee for withdrawal done at non-FMB ATM. Appears as "ATM FEE FOR FOREIGN" on statement.
Cross Border Fee .8% charged on all single currency international transactions Fees post as separate transactions, with the same location information as the original transaction.
Currency Convert Fee .2% charged on international transactions where VISA or PLUS performs a currency conversion function Fees post as separate transactions, with the same location information as the original transaction.
Replacement ATM/Debit Card $10.00 This fee is per replacement card.
Other Account Charges Deposit Verification Fee $5.00  
Dormant Charge $10.00 per month after 12 months of inactivity Waived if aggregate balance of linked FMB accounts is greater than $5,000.00. Does not apply to Minor Savings Accounts. Customers can call to reactivate accounts.
Early Account Closing Fee $20.00 If checking or savings account is closed by the customer within the first 90 days of opening date.
Paper Statement Fee $4.00 per month Fee is charged on accounts receiving paper statements unless otherwise noted.
Returned Deposit Item Fee $15.00 Per deposited check returned on business accounts only. Assessed on the statement cycle date.
Safe Deposit Box Late Payment Fee $10.00 Automatic late charge when rent is 30 days past due.
Uncollected Funds Fee $35.00 paid or returned uncollected fee Per transaction presented for payment while account has hold against funds.
Wire Transfer

$20.00 Domestic incoming wire $25.00 Domestic outgoing wire
$60.00 International wire

Wire transfers are not available for non-customers.

Overdraft and NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) Fees for DDA & Savings Account

• Items or payments that cause NSF fees may be presented multiple times. We do not monitor or control the number of times items are presented. We may charge an NSF fee each time a payment is presented regardless of the number of times.

• The categories of transactions for which an overdraft fee may be imposed are: overdrafts created by online banking, phone transfer, check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means as applicable such as ACH and recurring debit card transactions. These categories are also included in the insufficient funds items which may be paid or returned and are as follows:

NSF Returned Item Fee $35.00 returned item fee for each insufficient funds item returned and not paid.
NSF Paid Item Fee $35.00 for each insufficient item paid creating an overdraft balance.
Overdraft Fee Daily charges of $6.00 beginning on the 4th business day an account is overdrawn. This fee is waived on days when the negative account balance is $10.00 or less.
  • The additional categories for which a fee may be imposed for ATM withdrawals and everyday Debit Card transactions applies only to those customers who have signed an "Opt-In" form to the availability to overdraw with these types of transactions and are as follows:
NSF Paid Item Fee $35.00 for each insufficient item paid creating an overdraft balance.
Overdraft Fee

Daily charges of $6.00 beginning on the 4th business day an account is overdrawn. This fee is waived on days when the negative account balance is $10.00 or less.

All Other Fees

  • Christmas Money Envelopes - $.75 each.
  • Collection Items Sent - $25.00.
  • Deposit Bags - (Regular Zipper Bags) $5.00.
  • Deposit Locked Bags - $35.00.
  • Forced Entry to Safe Deposit Box Fee - $225.00 per occurrence. This also applies to lost keys.
  • Garnishment Fee - $75.00 charged to the garnished account.
  • Levy Fee - $75.00 charged to the account from which it was levied.
  • Lockbox Service - Monthly Maintenance Fee $100.00.
  • Reconciliation Fees - $30.00 per hour, with a minimum charge of $30.00.
  • Research Fees - $30.00 per hour, with a minimum charge of $30.00.
  • Subpoena/Production of Documents - $30.00 per hour, with a minimum charge of $30.00. $.25 per page for photocopies, and actual cost of shipping or postage.

Non-Customer Fees

  • ATM Fee - $4.00
  • Coin Machine – 15%
  • Non-customer Fax Charge - $10.00. No additional fee for multiple pages.


What’s the scoop on dormant accounts?

First, let’s determine what FMB designates as an inactive account and a dormant account.

We consider a checking or savings account to be inactive after 6 months of no activity, excluding interest payments. An inactive notice is mailed to each customer. If the bank is not contacted during the inactive time frame between 6 and 12 months, this account will then be considered dormant. FMB considers a checking or savings account to be dormant after 12 months of no activity other than interest payments and will then assess a monthly dormant fee of $10.00 if the balance in the account is below $5,000.

How to keep your account from going inactive or dormant?

First, make sure the bank has all of your updated information and ask if you have any inactive or dormant accounts. Dormant accounts could be costing you money. Especially if we don’t have your correct address. We attempt to notify customers when an account goes dormant before the fees are assessed. Many times, these notifications come back due to address issues. 

Second, conduct a transaction every 6 months or contact the bank to update our system with the date of last contact to keep your account in active status.

Federal Regulation requires banks to monitor inactive and dormant accounts and provide notices to customers. Why? When an account is inactive for 5 years, the bank is required to transfer the assets to the State of Missouri to be claimed. This is why banks monitor these accounts to try and prevent them from being transferred to the state.